Price Increase

After much deliberation, we at PBS Business Solutions Ltd have deemed it necessary to implement an adjustment to our rates and charges in order to keep pace with the manufacturing, shipping and operating costs. 

Unfortunately, we are no longer able to continue to completely absorb the increases applied by the manufacturer and supply chains and compounded by the high rates of local inflation that we are currently experiencing in the islands we regrettable have no choice other than to apply the following rates and increases to our prices effective of 3rd April 2023:

Meter Charges7.5% Increase
Inspection/Mechanical Callout Charge£85.00
IT/AV Consultant Callout Charge£120.00

This was a tough decision to make, and we understand how it affects our customers. Therefore, we thank you for your ongoing support and trust that these changes will help us continue to provide the premium quality service that you are accustomed to.

As always, we welcome any questions or comments so please don’t hesitate to contact one of the team if necessary.